Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Boyz in the Hood and Black Freedom Fighters

Unite is a common word the comes to mind when debating the themes of Boyz in the Hood written by John Singleton and Black Freedom Fighters in Steel by Ruth Needleman. Boyz in the Hood is a film that follows the lives of a group of young African Americans living in South Central Los Angeles, California. Each main character faces some common struggle modern day children and teens face today. Their fate relies on what they decide to do about their common struggle. In Black Freedom Fighters in Steel, you glimpse into the lives of five men connected by one aspect of their lives.They also must do something in order to survive as blue collar workers during the 20th century. Both these works have one common theme if not more, these boys and these men had to unite together in close friendship and within a union. Boyz in the Hood follows one particular group in South Central Los Angeles. Trey Styles along with his friends Ricky, Doughboy, and others all grew up in the same neighborhood living with various struggles, some in common. Trey moved to live with his dad at the age of 10, Ricky and Doughboy, half-brothers, lived across the street from him in a single parent household.Ricky was raised on the hope and spirit of his mother to be a football star. His brother Doughboy was not given the same hope and dreams from his mother. Trey was raised differently than his friends because he was being raised by a respectable male, Furious Styles. Furious helped prepare Trey for what the future may have in store for him, especially when living in the so called, â€Å"ghetto. † Although these characters were raised differently they still found strength in numbers, and stuck close together at a very young age.One example is when they are walking down the tracks and Ricky gets his football hustled from him. Doughboy tries to stick up for his brother even though he fails. They all stood together during that scene when they could have easily been killed by these older guys. Darre n, known as Doughboy, grows up deciding to become a part of a street gang, or group. Instead of avoiding the temptation of violence and the dangers of the lifestyle, he becomes sucked right into it. Although not a positive decision, in reality to some it feels like the only choice. The need for protection is essential to survive.By joining groups, people in various neighborhoods across America, find often false sanctuary and more violence. Darren kept close ties with his friends. They united when it came to protecting themselves from other various groups. One incident would be when all the teens had their cars parked up and down the street and another group walks by and knocks Ricky. When Ricky begins confrontation with the other groups, they all join in. Another incident is when Ricky is shot; although they weren't all there when it happened, Darren and his friends all felt a need to avenge Ricky's death, collectively.Trey was raised in a very strict and wise household. His mother was a well off business woman who took care of herself and her son until he reached a stage in his life where he was angry. Furious his father took Trey in and taught him specific values and self-discipline. With these values Trey made decisions opposite of a lot of his friends. He took a more optimistic route about living where he lived. He was aware of what goes on but he never involved himself in it. Trey who was close to his friends didn't completely comply with them.Ricky and Trey both had the most chances of leaving their town or living past age 25. While Darren and their other friends involved themselves in gang related activities, Trey and Ricky both avoided it. Still because they had all been friends for so long they still stuck together. When Ricky was shot and killed by another group, they all collectively went after that group. Specifically Trey joined them with this activity because he felt strongly about the issue at hand. He had lost his best friend and Darren had los t his brother.Although Trey didn't fully commit to the retaliation, he stuck by Darren’s side and comforted his friend. In Black Freedom Fighters in Steel five men are profiled explaining the struggles around working in Steel and within the union. In the beginning we hear about George Kimbley, who signed up for Steelworker's Organizing Committee as the first African-American. In order for African-Americans to face their struggles of poor working conditions, poor pay, and lack of job opportunities, they had to connect with the majority.George Kimbley knew that in order to be in the union and make somewhat of a difference, you would have to get people to trust you. What Kimbley means is that white men within the union have to become use to you and learn that their misconceptions are wrong. Many African Americans felt they did not belong within the union because they would be harassed and discriminated against just like they would on the mill floor. Kimbley was one the many that went out and persuaded black steelworkers to join the union, SWOC.He knew that in order to seek change they must become a part of something bigger. A separate committee for Blacks seemed unreasonable at the specific time. Kimbley felt that in order to meet the goals long term we must first integrate with others so they feel less threatened when requesting solutions. When struggling alongside people opposite than themselves, African-Americans felt a stronger need to cope with feelings that came along with integration and discrimination. Many residents within small African American communities in Gary, Indiana kept close ties.They all went to the same church, their kids attended same schools, and they went to the same bars and kept in touch. They had a strong sense of community amongst themselves. Many men played cards together, such as George Kimbley and Jesse Reese. These men knew the importance of joining the union in order to receive if not equal better working conditions. They n etworked, one man would sign a friend up, and then his friend would sign up someone else. Networking, educating and discussing were various ways to get the community pro-union.One specific example is how the amount of SWOC cards that came in signed by black workers stunned white SWOC participants. This proves that networking was working. Women also played a role in using their community to discuss issues such as organizing. Chain recruiting was widely used. This was used for example by an organizer. He and his wife would throw a dinner party and discuss various issues. By engaging in conversation they could relate on different complaints the other couples may have and convince them to join the union and inform others.By passing on information about the union the African-American demographic within the steel companies and union were more likely to increase. More membership in the union would allow more chances of bargaining and promotions for minorities. Another example of uniting in Black Freedom Fighters in Steel is through the smaller committees that formed within the union. Many people such as, George Kimbley, felt that this would hinder the positive movement for African-American workers within the union. Others were tired of waiting for change.They organized themselves within the union into committees such as the Eureka Club, established in 1952 by Curtis Strong, Arthur Adams, and Sylvester Palmer. (p 84) Curtis Strong worked in one of the dirtiest yet most important part of the mill. He explains that the coke plant was an essential step in steel production. If he and others shut down their department then they could shut down the whole mill. This was a very strategic plan in order to get the foreman and department heads to listen. One example is when Strong took a stand against a practice the company used when hiring new workers into the plant.If the coke plant needed a maintenance worker or apprentice, they would use Virginia Street Hiring. The company w ould send â€Å"appropriate† workers, meaning white, for the specific jobs. Many current black employees were overlooked due to this practice. When Strong requested that coke plant workers be allowed to apply for apprenticeships and was denied, a wildcat strike broke out. Soon after Coke plant workers were able to bid on apprenticeships and better jobs. This was more than what the Steelworker's Organizing Committee had done for job bidding.Instead of turning to the bigger union, they used their small collective to make a difference for specifically African-American steelworkers. Both these works demonstrate a theme that shows collectiveness. In order to be strong, certain people must ban together, which has happened in history so often when it comes to people facing common struggles. Later on in Black Freedom Fighters in Steel they discuss how things have changed, beginning in the 1980's. Many people have become too satisfied and have stopped fighting for more. I believe this can play into the themes of both the book and Boyz in the Hood.Briefly, today the world around us has everyone convinced that things can't get any better than this, but can they? When it comes to employment there is only so far we can go, but what about our communities? In the film you see a community that has been ignored. By being neglected from society, things may become worse. Young teen’s today struggle with constant violence and retaliation. Poverty is proven to cause an increase in violence. By ignoring cities and allowing children to suffer academically we are throwing them into violence. This is also discussed in the book.Gary, Indiana which has been dismantled ever since the steel industry took a backseat. Many people living within the community lost their jobs, which affected the cities revenue. Schools are in poor condition which can be true for South Central Los Angeles also. Schools have a strong influence when it comes to discipline and respect. When we allow schools to deteriorate we lose those values within the curriculum. Few, but not all African-American's have motivation to fight poverty. In time we may see this minority unionize again to better their communities in society.Boyz in the Hood and Black Freedom Fighters in Steel seemed quite opposite to one another besides the involvement of African-American characters. After reading more into the book, the theme becomes apparent and can also be applied to the film. That theme being that in order to better life people must organize and come together, whether for good or bad. Boyz in the Hood has also had a place in my heart as a great film, but now I can respect it more after putting it in a new light. As for the book, I haven't been interested in Unions, but I did enjoy the stories the five characters brought to it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

New Business Venture: Music Academy

Introduction/aground After over five years experience working In corporations, four friends have a desire to start their own business because they enjoy creating music and saw the need for music training in downtown Toronto. The music academy would cater specifically to children ages 3-16 specializing in rock music genres preparing them in lessons for â€Å"voice, guitar, keyboard, and percussion so they can perform in their own bands†(Scalable 469).By offering specialized musical theory lessons to the children (public), the music academy can create a niche market segment and obtain a portion f the current musical retail/lesson market share currently share amongst Long and Macaque, Cosmos Music, and Stave's Music. Business Objective The music academy strategic goals include growth, expansion, dominating market share, and profitability. They must fully utilize each other's strengths and weaknesses to begin the business.In order to meet these objectives, the team must cooperate, incorporate effective customer service, and use their passion for music towards teaching, while creating a diversified musical learning environment. Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement Environmental scanning and market research yielded results that indicated that the music academy is currently positioned in a busy location with high traffic and opportunities include a need for specialized guitar lessons in the rock music genre. In order to capitalized the opportunity for growth and compete with current music retail/lesson businesses (I. . Long and Macaque), It would be advisable for the music academy to offer a selection of musical Instruments and accessories available for sale to the general public that Include both purchasing and financing options. The current team has the necessary skills for musical instruction involving bass, keyboard, vocals, guitar, and drums. A potential problem that poses a threat would be access to capital and making sure that the initial investment costs are covered â€Å"after two years in business†(Scalable 470).Critical Assumptions and Constraints This project requires strong participation of each music business members and the children. The four friends who participated In this music business should be able to work In a team and understand teaching children. The children must show improvement to prove the music training's effectiveness. Most members need to learn some teaching skills and training because of their lack of experience. Some members will still have other employment, so there is a need for pre-arranged shifts.Different courses with different teachers will be offered because of the members different skill set. Analysis of Options and Recommendation Our three options for our new business: 1 . Start the business immediately, since the key people are ready to build a music academy, a bass teacher who has experience of few paid gigs and also knows the aboard, a guitar teacher who can also record an d edit CDC, a singing teacher who also knows how to work a crowd, and a drum teacher who is also a music teacher in the middle school.The business can start right away according to the original plan. 2. Hold the business until there are enough staffs and Investments to start. Since there opening, until all the preparations are finished. 3. Do not start the business at all. Since the members all have Jobs and are doing well on their own, they do not really need to take the risk to start this business. Preliminary Project Requirements The main requirements of this project include the following: 1 . The business needs the initial investment amount. . The business needs cooperation of all team members. 3. The business needs a place to rent, and musical equipment. 4. Each team member needs to arrange his or her schedule because of different availabilities. 5. Each team member must be trained to teach children because not everyone knows how. Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis A prelim inary estimate of costs for the entire project is $100,000 for the first year. Most of the costs come from salaries, $108,000, then operating costs, $60,000.

Monday, July 29, 2019

An Essay About Orbits Communications Essay

An Essay About Orbits Communications Essay The word orbit we hear it very often, whenever the space shuttle launched or it meets up ISS (International Space Station) or when a rocket launches a payload, we always come across the word ‘orbit’. But what actually the orbit is? An orbit is a specific path on which an artificial satellite revolves/travels around another body or planet .This path is regular and repeating .Satellite can be natural and artificial, like Moon .Moon itself acts like a satellite which travels around the Earth in a particular path. In the solar system , nine planets including Earth ,revolves around the sun in an orbit .Satellite that travels around the Earth are not in a constant distance from Earth, it varies .Sometimes its closer and sometimes far away. The closest orbit of satellite around the Earth is called â€Å"perigee† and farthest orbit called â€Å"apogee†. The time required for a satellite to complete full orbit is called a â€Å"period†. According to Isaac Newton’s first law of motion, a moving object will remain in motion unless something pulls it or push it, and that is gravity. Without Earth’s gravity, satellite would go off in the space along a straight path .With Earth’s gravity it keep on pulled satellite back to Earth. To maintain the orbit, the gravitational force and the momentum of moving object have to be balanced. Another factor is Escape velocity. It is the speed of an object (satellite) to break free from the gravity of the planet and enters into a certain orbit. It depends on the mass of the planet and varies from planets to planets and the distance from the centre of the planet to the object (satellite) is also important. The escape velocity of Earth is approx. 11.3 km (7 miles)/hr. Orbital Velocity: Orbital velocity is the required speed needed for an object (satellite) to stay in an orbit. It is about and altitude of 242 km, approx 17,000 miles /hr. [4] SATELLITE ORBITS There are three differ ent types of orbits High Earth orbit (Geostationary orbit), Medium Earth orbit (MEO), and Low Earth orbit (LEO).The orbit selected for satellite is depend on its usage and application. Direct Broadcast Programmes and weather communication satellites use Geostationary Orbit, as they are far away from the Earth and they travel in the Earth’s direction therefore looks stationary .Satellite navigation systems (NAVSTAR or GPS [global positioning system] ),designed to navigate a particular region or area and satellite phones are in MEO(Medium Earth Orbit). NASA’s Earth Observing System and other scientific satellites uses LEO (Lower Earth Orbit). [5] [6] Earth orbits. [7] ORBITAL DISTANCES [8] , [9] Orbits Orbit Initials Miles Km 1-way Delay Orbit altitude (KM above earth’s surface) Low Earth Orbit (LEO) 100-500 160 – 1,400 50ms 200 – 1200 Medium Earth Orbi t (MEO) 6,000 – 12,000 10-15,000 100ms 1200 – 35790 Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) ~22,300 36,000 250 ms 35790 Circular and Elliptical Paths There are two types of orbit paths, in which satellite travels around the Earth, circular and elliptical. In circular orbits, the distance between the earth and satellite remains same all the time. When a satellite orbit around the Earth, it creates a plane, which goes across the geo -centre or centre of gravity of Earth. If the satellite orbit with Earth’s rotation, it is called â€Å"posigrade† and if it is in opposite direction, it is â€Å"retrograde†.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

APA Style Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

APA Style Writing - Essay Example be revisited, for example, the approach could be implemented by having students in business schools chose to take business ethics or business history (Cuilla, 2011, p. 342). In Nigeria, as in many other developing countries of black Africa, the socio-economic climate is characterized by such negative features as perversion of the course of justice, profiteering, black-marketing and racketeering among industrialists and business persons; hoarding of essential commodities and remorseless inflation of prices by traders; the questionable and devious activities of multi-national corporations etc. (p. 478). In these spheres of our social life, unethical business deal is chronic and rampant, with very few exceptions. Often political appointments are not based on evident competence and merit. The vested interests of the appointing authorities account far more than other factors. According to Ochulor and Okpo (2010), our social life is greatly influenced by unethical business deals, for example, many political appointments have unethical influences since the interests of some people override ethical conduct. According to McGowan and McGowan (2011), â€Å"The history of free markets appears to support the view that Locke allowed unrestrained acquisition of property. Certainly in America, we observe free market advocates relying on Locke’s ideas to oppose intrusion into anyone’s fairly acquired property† (p.75) Locke appears to allow the possibility that if people do not consent to the inequality, that other arrangements might be made, regardless of any prior right to property as established in a state of nature. In other words, the amount of property a person has is limited by reason in a state of nature or by consent after government is formed. According to McGowan and McGowan (2011), the quantity of property owned by a person is determined either by natural forces or by regulatory factors like the government. This happens if people do not agree to unequal statuses

Site-directed mutagenesis of gene sequences in cells of plants, Essay - 1

Site-directed mutagenesis of gene sequences in cells of plants, insects and animals can be achieved in situ used engineered zinc - Essay Example It is now well known that there are many naturally occurring zinc finger motifs, the most common of which is the Cys2His2 or C2H2 zinc finger. This particular motif is made up of 2 antiparallel ?-sheets and an ?-helix that are coordinated by 2 Histidine (his) and 2 Cysteine (cys) residues binding a zinc atom (Figure 1). This binding, plus an inner structural hydrophobic core, stabilizes the secondary structure of the protein. Figure 1. The classic zinc finger protein is made up of approximately 30 amino acids where two cysteine and two histidine residues bind to a zinc atom. The zinc finger proteins are known mediators of metabolic interactions including protein-protein interactions and RNA binding. However, the most known are their roles in DNA sequence-specific binding. From early studies on the classical C2H2 zinc finger, it was found that the zinc finger differed in principle from the other DNA-binding proteins because several zinc fingers can be linked linearly to recognize DNA sequences of varying lengths (Klug, 2005). In contrast, other DNA-binding proteins utilize the symmetry of the double helix. Usually, more than one zinc finger domain participates in binding the DNA. Each zinc finger domain binds to three nucleotide (nt) bases on the major groove of the DNA. The ?-helix, also known as the recognition helix, binds to three or more bases of with specific sequences on the DNA. Since zinc finger proteins could have more than one zinc finger motif, the DNA contacts of adjacent or arrayed zinc fingers could overlap (Iuchi, 2005). Regions that are bound by the zinc fingers are usually spaced at 3 – 5 bp apart. The modular design of the zinc fingers allows it to interact with the DNA at different regions, and allows them to be involved in many DNA interaction reactions. Thus, it is not surprising that the zinc fingers are the most encoded motif in the genome and are very abundant in nature. The highly sequence-specific DNA binding property of zinc fi ngers offered a lot of potential as a tool for regulating gene expression or for manipulating the genome. From the initial basic studies arose the design and engineering of zinc finger proteins for binding specific regions in the DNA, and synthesis of zinc finger nucleases for cutting the DNA at target sites and introduction of changes to the DNA (Davis & Stokoe, 2010; Durai, et. al, 2005). Zinc finger arrays can be engineered to bind long stretches of known regions in the genome and with the ultimate goal of finding cures to notable diseases. Some applications of zinc finger arrays are the inhibition of HIV-1 expression (Reynolds, et al., 2003) and the disruption of herpes simplex virus infection (Papworth, et al., 2003). To emphasize the importance of the zinc finger proteins, an online database was established that compiles information on known (naturally occurring) and engineered zinc fingers and zinc finger arrays (Fu, et al., 2009). Zinc Finger Nucleases A zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) is an engineered restriction enzyme that consists of a zinc finger array designed to recognize specific nucleotide sequences in the DNA, and a non-specific nuclease domain. Usually, the zinc fingers in the array have similar motifs as that of Cys2His2 zinc finger protein. The engineered zinc finger is fused with the cleavage domain of the restriction enzyme FokI endonuclease. Since FokI will cut the DNA only

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Five legal questions in construction industry Coursework - 1

Five legal questions in construction industry - Coursework Example In a sense contracts represents the base of many commercial activities and therefore represent one of the most important area in business law. In these cases, letters of intent are widely used in binding these contracts. In these letters, the interested parties state their future intentions of entering into the formal contractual agreement. Letters of intent may be described as an agreement between two parties who wish to be in a contract. Different authors have tried to explain the meaning of the letters of intent in many ways. For instance, Adriaanse (2010, P. 55) sated that letters of intent are usually a response triggered by negotiations which go on for too long and thus impact on the completion date because the start date might be delayed. In the letter, the sender states their future intention to enter into a formal contractual agreement with the receiver to carry out a certain job. In the context of construction projects, LOI marks the respond from the employer to an offer made by the contractor through the tendering process. It also state the demand to start carrying out of the agreed work based on their intention to get into a contractual relationship. In most instances, the desire of the employer is to get the job done within the speculated date, or duration. It may become vital to commence the work before t he pending agreements are set right. Letters of intent makes it possible for the intention to create a legal relationship be considered. A complete contract requires that the parties involved intent to enter a legal binding agreement. This will mean that the parties must intent to create legal relations and must get to know that their agreements can further be enforced by law. In normal conditions, the intention to create legal relationship between parties is presumed. In so doing, the contract will not necessarily state that one doesn’t understand and intent any of the legal consequences to follow. In other

Friday, July 26, 2019

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen Essay

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen - Essay Example the articles of the declaration embodied the absolute rights of an individual. Initially there was also a list of duties which every individual had to perform but after a while the people who framed the Declaration removed them from the list. The articles promise the individuals of freedom, their own piece of private property, social security and immunity from cruelty. The Declaration also promised freedom of speech and freedom of the media and press. The emphasis of the Declaration was on the equal treatment of all individuals and their independence. It stated that the law should be based on the citizens of the country and the officials should be answerable to them as well. The finances of the country should also be in the hand of the citizens. A number of articles of the Declaration were directed at the unfairness of the ancient regime and how it abused the rights and interests of the individuals. Liberalism in the 19th century was deeply affected by the Declaration of the Rights o f Man and Citizen. However the Declaration did not seem to have any provisions regarding women or slaves. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen helped in changing the government of France from monarchy- where only the queen and the king had all the power and the power passed down the generations and new leaders were not elected- to republic where all the citizens had basic rights and also the right to vote and elect their own leaders. The Declaration gave rights to citizens which were never granted anywhere in France before like equality, liberty and property. It also led to the constitution of the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen. The United States Declaration of Independence of 1176 had Thomas Jeffery as one of its main writers and at the time the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was being drafted, he was present in France and was in contact with the authors of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Strategic Causes of Conflict - What caused the 1991 Gulf War Essay - 1

The Strategic Causes of Conflict - What caused the 1991 Gulf War - Essay Example Up today, the access of a country to chemical and nuclear weapons has caused severe oppositions and conflicts. There are those who support that all countries would have such right while others claim that only certain countries should be authorized to obtain such weapons. Current paper focuses on the identification and the analysis of the reasons that have led to the development of the 1991 Gulf war. The specific war, which was developed by US against Iraq seemed to be related to the latter’s efforts to develop chemical and nuclear weapons. However, other views have also appeared. For example, it has been noted that Iraq paid a high price for its efforts to become the region’s leader, a plan that would threaten the interests of other region’s countries, especially of Kuwait. There is also the view that the practice of Iraq to ignore the guidelines of international community in regard to the trade of the oil could not be tolerated. The views that have been develope d in regard to the causes of the 1991 Gulf war are analytically presented below using relevant literature. It is proved that the specific war was rather unavoidable since its causes were many and their elimination was not feasible, as explained below. In any case, the 1991 Gulf war revealed a series of problems and revealed the ineffectiveness of international community to resolve critical disputes by avoiding the use of military forces. 2. Gulf War of 1991 – Causes 2.1 1991 Gulf War – a brief overview of critical events In order to identify the causes of the 1991 Gulf war it is necessary to refer to a series of events that took place before the development of the war. In August of 1990 Iraqi troops entered in Kuwait; the specific initiative surprised international community and led to the immediate reaction of USA and UN.1 UN ‘warned Iraq to withdraw’.2 Severe sanctions were introduced, as a threat, so that Iraqi government is persuaded to change its plan s and to withdraw its troops from Kuwait; the sanctions were mostly economic while air force was involved for securing the inability of Iraq to seek for support by other countries.3 In addition, US troops were sent to the Gulf so that to secure that there would be no risk for the development of the crisis to the other countries of the region.4 Shortly, the US government developed a coalition, at international level, for deciding on the measures that should be taken against Iraq: Egypt and Saudi Arabia were among the Arab states that stated their willing to participate in such coalition since their security seemed to be threatened by Iraq.5 In addition, the Security Council of UN was asked to give its authorization for the use of military forces, an initiative that was developed in November 1990 and since Iraqi government refused to withdraw its troops from Kuwait.6 The Security Council set a deadline for the withdrawal of Iraqi troops from Kuwait: it was the 15th of January 1991; af ter that date the international community would have the right to use ‘any means for securing the withdrawal of Iraq from Kuwait’.7 In 16th January and since no response existed from Iraqi government President Bush ordered the beginning of ‘aerial bombardment’.8 These bombardments were continued for about 5 weeks with no success since Iraqi troops refused to leave Kuwait; a ground military operation was ordered, an initiative that finally led to the release of Kuwait from the Iraqi troops.9 The ground operation was terminated in February the 27th

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Liujiaxia Hydro Power Plant Disturbs Kanbula National Forest Term Paper - 1

Liujiaxia Hydro Power Plant Disturbs Kanbula National Forest - Term Paper Example The development of the town has caused intrusion by humans into the habitat of wildlife which has further damaged the natural life of the forest. Kanbula Forest is located in Northwest of Jianca County of Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous States in Qinghai Province. It has a total area of 15054.4 hectares and altitudes of 2100 to 4000 meters above sea level. Because of its location at high altitude, Kanbula Forest falls in the category of subalpine forest. The forest is also located in the transition zone from Loess Plateau to Qinghai Tibet Plateau. Thus, it is the warmest region in Qinghai Province. It borders on the Yellow River in the North and shares a boundary with the famous Liajiaxia Hydroelectric Power Station. Huge mountains extend from the forest with trees covered resembling a sea of forest. There are deflated hills around the Kanbula Forest that are formed due to erosion from wind and sand. These hills are known as red cloud landforms. Situated in the middle of the mountains, the weather of the forest changes frequently. Instead of experiencing all four seasons, the forest only goes through hot and cold seasons in a year. In the warmer weather, warm and humid air blows, whereas the colder season experiences a cold and windy weather. The forest’s tough topographical features form a role of microclimate. According to meteorological data records, the average temperature of the forest is 1 to 2.9 Â °C with the warmest weather experienced in the month of July.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Environmental Biology and Conservation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Environmental Biology and Conservation - Essay Example The elephants are particularly killed for their valuable ivory that is used in the manufacture of traditional medicine especially in China and Taiwan and making of game trophies and ornaments. In this respect, the conservation of the animals especially in the African continent has become one of top priorities in order to safeguard their crucial role they play in the ecosystem. Destroying local elephant habitats to create room for human settlement is an important local issue in Africa that has resulted to deaths of the African elephant. This paper examines the impact of killing the African elephant one of the threatened species, with special focus on its role in the ecosystem and the conservation measures put in place to ensure its survival. Population trends of African elephant and its major habitats The population of the African elephant has dropped sharply from about 1.3 million animals in the 1970s to about 450,000 animals today (Chris, 1999). The population of these animals has reduced drastically in their main habitats across the African continent presenting serious ecological challenges in the affected region. In view of the declining numbers, some African countries have established conservancies such as game reserves, game parks and national parks in addition to lobbying for international ban on ivory. According to Chris (1999), the African elephant, Loxodanta africana inhabited virtually all parts of the continent for many centuries. Currently, the animals are mostly concentrated on the southern Saharan desert, and their numbers are scattered and disjointed in the region. The habitats of elephants in the sub-Saharan Africa are divided into four main zones that include central, southern, western and eastern Africa (Anderson and Coe 1974). These regions have varying human p opulation that plays a critical role in determining the destruction of the habits and the subsequent animal population. Human population in the central Africa is quite sparse and this region has one of the largest forest cover on the continent. The forests form an important habitat of the forest elephant, the Loxodonta African cyclotis subspecies (White and Child 1988). Due to the dense forests, low human population and limited destruction of the habitats, central Africa is home to about 45% of the total African elephant population (Chris, 1999). Western Africa is one of the regions in the continent that has the highest human population. Consequently, the elephant habits have largely been interfered with, causing drastic reduction in the animal population. According to Chris (1999), elephant population in the region is restricted in the fragmented habitats raging from the savannah and the remaining forested areas. According to Chris (1999), western Africa comprises of just about 2% on the entire population of the African elephant. The countries with the highest numbers of elephants in western Africa include Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast (Chris, 1999). The eastern Africa is another important habitat for the elephant population. Geographically, the region comprises of highlands endowed with rich volcanic soils. Consequently, the dense human population engaged in crop farming in the fertile highlands has destroyed habitats for the African elephant. From early 1970, to 1980, the region experienced high level of elephant poaching and the high population decimated the elephants further (Bengis, 1996). Chris (1999) estimated that the region accounts to about 20% of the total elephant population in the continent. Tanzania is one of the few countries with high elephant population but Kenya is recording an increasing in numbers after enforcing stringent conservation measures (Bengis, 1996). In southern Africa region, the

Living with Strangers Essay Example for Free

Living with Strangers Essay To top the essence of discomfort off, Hustvedt states that On the subway, I found myself in intimate contact with people I didnt know, my body pressed so tightly against hem, I could smell their hair oils, perfumes and sweat. (p. 1, l. 4-16) This closeness is something that most of us, Hustvedt as well, saves exclusively to boyfriends and close family This exclusiveness only survives because of the Pretend it isnt happening-rule. Throughout the essay Hustvedt takes us down her memory-lane of New York, where she tell us the things that can describe exactly why her view on urban living is how it is. The Pretend it isnt happening-rule seems to be the most visible theme in the essay. To an outsider taking a stance against something that is clearly wrong seems logical, if not almost necessary. Whereas Hustvedt says that in New York that is uncommon and almost illogical behavior, because of the possible outcomes when someone is asked to stop whatever they felt they had the right to do. This is allowed because of the aforementioned rule. To explain her point further Siri Hustvedt exemplifies it for us. Hustvedts husband had witnessed a man stepping on the subway with a lit cigarette, another man confronted him politely by stating that its illegal to smoke on he subway, the smoker had then replied Do you wanna die? To much luck the smoker had to get off the subway at the next stop, which resulted in a quick ending to the affairs, but Hustvedt points out that this couldVe ended much, much worse. Siri Hustvedt almost attempts to Justify the pretend it isnt happening-rule, by showing the dangers ot not pretending. Hustvedt points out that New Yorkers barely even notice that theyre doing it, its such a custom reaction to these situations that in the urban cities youre raised with them Just as youre raised with table manners. To exemplify this Siri Hustvedt mentions her daughter, Sophie, who has adapted to the behavioral pattern already as she feigns deafness when the inevitable stray character comes along and tries a pickup. (p. 2, l. 80-81) and that her daughter has been refining the frozen, blank expression that accompanies the Pretend law. (p. 2, 1. 76-77) In the same example Hustvedt explains that her daughter often gets hit on and some of these admirers are more stray than others. One day Sophie had experienced a man who had been shamelessly staring at her, but when he stepped ff the train and the daughter didnt, the man had thrown himself against the window and yelled l love you at her. Sophie had felt embarrassed and frightened, but the man next to her had commented It looks like you have an admirer. To this Siri Hustvedt explains that His understatement not only defined the comedy inherent in the scene; it lifted my daughter out of the solitary misery that comes from being the object of unwanted attention among strangers. (p. 3, l. 92-94). This example turns the essay towards a new point-of-view, whereas the reader started out ith having a sense of displeasure and discomfort towards urban living, Hustvedt turns the entire essay around in the end where she enlightens us that urban living is not all that bad: Nevertheless, compliments, insults, banter, smiles, and genuine conversations among strangers are part of the citys noise, its stimulus, its charm. (p. 3, l. 102-104) in this quote, Hustvedt points out to us that isnt not only incredibly dull, if urban life only revolved around pretending its not happening, but that is it almost down-right impossible. She also states that because of this rule, those who break it make a turning point to everyday life and its those people who make urban living all the more charming. Siri Hustvedt mentions that Sometimes a brief exchange with an unknown person marks you forever, not because it is profound but because it is uncommonly vivid. (p. 3, l. 112-113) and to end the essay she mentions a moment 20 years earlier in her life, where a homeless man had called her beautiful and asked her to dinner, and when she politely said no, he then had grinned and aid Lunch? This example not only supports her statement that it has indeed marked her forever, but it almost seems like what then wouldVe seemed rather creepy now is a little comical and it probably even lifts her spirit when thinking about it. l, for one, believe that the statement is as true as anything can be. Its not always the deep conversations you have with your family and closest friends that mark you, its the sudden situations; because the yre not forced and that makes them all the more real and therefore deep. I may not live in a true urban city like Copenhagen or New York, but the pretend-rule is everywhere and because of that all of the times that its broken may seem a little odd or even scary at first can make the rest of ones day all the more interesting. A sudden compliment, a smile to a stranger or even a short conversation with someone about why the train is delayed yet again. It gives one time to reflect over the minor things in life and sometimes it may even remind you Just how little you actually are in a good way, of course.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The HR Consultant Essay Example for Free

The HR Consultant Essay Introduction Texas Roadhouse is a chain restaurant throughout the United States. There are approximately 340 locations in over 46 states, and they are quickly expanding. Its menu specializes in steaks and ribs, as well as adding a western atmosphere for guests to enjoy. In the restaurant business, there are many different positions held by a variety of different people. There are cooks, dish washers, bus boys, hostesses, bartenders, servers, and also nightly management. On average each night, there are approximately 19 servers, 6 bus boys, 6 hostesses, 3 bartenders, and large amount of kitchen staff. All of these different positions are crucial in the nightly success of the company. Without any of these positions, the restaurant would not be able to run as smoothly. Objectives of The study In this report we are trying to find out the way to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the restaurant using five models:- 1) Self-Efficacy Model 2) LMX Model 3) Job Characteristics Model 4) Goal Setting Model Strategic Mapping Using Models Self-Efficacy Model The term self-efficacy is used to describe an individual’s perception of how competent they find themselves and their abilities to achieve complex tasks. People with strong self-efficacy are more likely to accept more responsibility and accept more challenging tasks. They also believe that no obstacles can get in the way from stopping them achieve their goals. Individuals with low self-efficacy are more apt to looking as difficult tasks as intimidating and do not believe they that are capable of achieving personal success. Overall, self-efficacy plays an important role in influencing the tasks that people perform and how well they perform them. The most important factor that is impacting through self-efficacy is persistence. This is found important because the higher the person perceives themselves on the scale, the more persistent that they will be with performing a complex task. Analysis and Recommendations as per Self Efficacy model Self-efficacy is something that is important in any organization. However, it is important at Texas Roadhouse to hire individuals who have a High level of self-efficacy so that employee perceives themselves capable of achieving many complex tasks. This could prove to be an issue within the organization because individuals could become bored or feel not challenged by the tasks designated in their position, which could lead to frustration for the employees and employer. Hence, Challenging tasks should be given to such individuals. 1) The individuals with moderate level of self-efficacy provides opportunity for the organization to designate tasks to that are challenging but also still attainable. It is good to hire large no. of employees in this category. There were three individuals who scored close to the lower end of the self-efficacy scale. 2) The individuals with low self-efficacy can pose a problem for Texas Roadhouse as they might hinder the productivity and success of the organization. Hence, in order to ensure more confident and driven individuals, Texas Roadhouse could moderately delegate more difficult tasks to these individuals in order to boost their confidence and the way they perceive themselves. Also, they could provide more positive feedback in their jobs and reinforce that the individual is doing well at their job. 2) Leader-Member Exchange The leader-member exchange (LMX) is a model that suggests that leaders develop different relationships with each of their subordinates through a series of work-related transactions. There are two important groups to consider that a subordinate may fall under depending on which phase they fit into. The in group is defined as a low number of subordinates with high LMX relationships. The second group is known as the out group in which the number of subordinates is large and contains relatively low level LMX relationships. Employees who find themselves in the out-group are likely to face high job turnover. This should be important to all management because high turnover is a very large investment for the organization. The level of LMX has a significant relationship to subordinates satisfaction with their manager. Employees with low-quality LMX are more likely to become dissatisfied, less motivated, and more prone to quitting. Whereas employees with high level LMX are likely to be satisfied with their work, more motivated, and committed to staying and contributing to the organization. LMX has three critical components which are mutual affection, contribution to work activities, and professional respect. When a subordinate has high mutual affection for a superior, the subordinate likes the superior as a person and will often come to the superior’s defense if attacked. High contribution to work activities comes into play when a subordinate goes above and beyond their job description to help the superior out. High Professional Respect is when the superior admires the subordinate’s knowledge and competence of the job. Analysis and Recommendation as per LMX 1) The Texas Roadhouse management does take steps to increase the mutual affection score of its staff else they will likely to enter the realm of the out group which could potentially lead to the employee leaving the organization because Why stay at an organization if you’re not happy with your manager? 2) One way management can increase the mutual affection is to take a more active role and listen to the complaints of the employees and to take the time to establish supportive and trusting relationships with the employees. 3) Another suggestion might be to engage the staff in team building activities and icebreakers. We can conclude that the superiors and managers of Texas Roadhouse are not providing proper support to their staff and needs to make a drastic change soon because the organization as a whole could be affected. 4) Some possible solutions include taking the time to reassess what kind of support is needed for staff. One way to do this is anonymous comment cards. Have all the employees fill out comment cards anonymously and identify specific instances where an employee failed to receive support. This must be down anonymously by the employer because the employee might be unwilling to respond for fear of termination. 5) The manager may have a tendency to interact with other employees in an unprofessional manner. The manager can decrease this perception by keeping to policy or by adjusting his/her interactions in front of employees. 6) Management needs to do a better job of developing better relationships with its employees. Some improvement strategies include the use of assertive communication, appropriate communication openness, and constructive feedback with all of the subordinates. Job Characteristics Model The job characteristics model has to do with the idea of increasing the amounts of five job characteristics: skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback in a job. Skill variety can be defined as the degree to which a job requires an assortment of skills in order for an employee to carry out the task at hand. Task identity is the extent to which a job requires an employee to complete a task from beginning to end with a visible, tangible outcome. Task significance is the extent to which an employee perceives the job as having an impact on the lives of other individuals, if it makes a difference in society, within or outside of the organization. Autonomy is the level to which a job provides empowerment and discretion to an employee by choosing their own way to complete and schedule a task. Job feedback is the clear information about how effective an employee’s performance is. The different levels of these five job characteristics affect three important psychological states. The first, to experience meaningfulness of the tasks performed, second, to experience personal responsibility for results of the task at hand, and last is the knowledge of the results of task performance. If all three psychological states are positive, strong work motivation based on self-generated rewards is triggered. If they are in the negative zone, meaning the job is not meaningful, lacks responsibility or feedback, the job is incomplete, which does not strongly motivate an employee. This model can be related to Texas Roadhouse since it looks into how well an employee has the opportunity to be motivated to work in the restaurant. It highlights the areas that need work in the restaurant and what the employees enjoy or dislike about working there. It also demonstrates which employees are content with working there for a while and which view it as a stepping stone towards another opp ortunity that has not yet befallen upon them. Analysis and Recommendations as per Job Characteristic Model 1) The model demonstrates a need for change in the structure of Texas Roadhouse in order to increase their employee’s motivation to continue their work there. Generally, there are two main approaches recommended to superiors for designing/redesigning jobs which are vertical loading and the formation of natural work teams. Vertical loading is when tasks that were considered reserved for management level staff are delegated to all employees. It includes the power to set schedules, decide work methods, breaks, and seek solutions to their own problems. Natural work teams combines individual jobs into a unit which are logical and meaningful including geographic location, types of business, organizational, alphabetical or numerical, customer groups. If Texas Roadhouse implemented vertical loading into their structure and gave their employees the opportunity to decide their own breaks and more flexible schedules, it could aid in their desire to maintain their positions at the restaurant. Most of the employees are pretty satisfied with the way things are run at Texas Roadhouse, however, according to the data, one of the biggest issues the employees have with Texas Roadhouse is the lack of variety, out of twenty surveys; eleven scored less than a four on the scale. The employees also feel that they do not have the opportunity to see projects through to completion which affects their task identity characteristic. This can be fixed with a simple solution, which is to allow employees to complete a task before assigning them another. Goal Setting Model Goal setting is a very integral part of any job. Whether you are attempting to better yourself or complete a project, setting goals is one of the most helpful tools to assist you throughout the process. Goal setting can definitely help a business such as Texas Roadhouse in raising their standards for employees which will end up helping the bottom line. The goal setting model that we used for our survey seems to have a big impact on job performance. According to the model, if employees felt good about the goals they set, they were better at their jobs. Five essential pieces must come together in order for the managers to gain benefits of a goal setting program. The first piece is that the person must be knowledgeable about the topic of the specified goal and have the sufficient capacity to attain the goal. The second step is that the person must be committed to the goal, especially if the goal is difficult. The third step is that people need feedback on their goals. According to the text, employees will raise their performance because they are afraid they will have past performance. The forth step is that complex tasks must be broken up into simpler more short term goals so that the goals can be attained. It is stated in the text that employees are more responsive when they know about their progress. The fifth and final piece is to have a situation constraint. One of the most important aspects of a leader is to ensure that employees have the resources to attain their goals and to help eliminate any troubles that may lie in the way. Now to discuss some of the benefits that goal setting can have on performance. One of the consequences of goal setting is that it motivates individuals to achieve high performance. Some of the benefits stem from developing difficult goals. When it comes to Texas Roadhouse, such goal setting can be setting goals for a certain dollar amount each table waited on per person. The benefits can be such as encouraging people to develop action plans to reach a goal, focusing people’s attention on goal-relevant action, and encouraging people to develop action plans to reach these goals. Having such goal setting systems in place, you will have to be able to adequately reward your employees. Such reward systems could be like the high-performance work system which is used to describe a well-established method of motivation with new technology that links pay and performance. This isn’t very easy to do, especially when considering the many factors. Such factors could ask questions such as, do you reward individually or as a team. Analysis and Recommendation as per Goal Setting Model Going through a few of the steps that go into goal setting and based on the results provided from the study, we have developed some recommendations for the restaurant. The first recommendation is to put groups of waiters and hostesses into teams in order to create an atmosphere of meritocracy. When there are teams, it’s easier to have tasks done and team members will have the mentality of â€Å"if I scratch your back you scratch mine.† Going along with more of the recommendations through the analysis of the process of effective goal setting, a proper high performance work reward system must be put into place in order to motivate employees. Our recommendation for the work reward system is a system that rewards waitresses on the amount of money per person that they serve. So for example if a team earns on average $15 per customer and another team earns $20 per customer, we reward the team with the $20 per customer with a bonus on top of their normal tips. To further develop their goals, we can get input for the teams on how they would like to improve the model because it is stated that the more input the employees feel like they are giving, the more they would buy into the program. To improve on that, we would also make the goals a little bit more challenging. For example we could expect a higher dollar amount per customer over last month. For example a ten percent increase could be viable. The last of our recommendations is to give each employee a step by step plan on how to achieve their goals and to give them a monthly review. These recommendations would help Texas Roadhouse by improving their trust between one another, their individual and team goals by giving them more input which leads to more buy-in and lastly, it helps them raise their revenue by setting higher goals for each customer. Works Cited Bernardin, H. John, Joyce E. A. Russell. Human Resource Management: An Experiential Approach. McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2013.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis in leafs

Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis in leafs Photosynthesis is the process in which light is converted to the chemical energy of sugars. It can be summarized in the following equation : This process occurs in the chloroplast of plant cells which are primarily found in the leaves. Photosynthesis is the building up of sugars using carbon dioxide and water as the raw materials. The energy for the process comes from light and a green pigment called chlorophyll allows the plant to transfer the energy from light to sugar. AIM : To measure the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis in leaf disc. RESEARCH QUESTION : What is the effect of different light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis of fresh leaf disc when the other factors that can affect the rate of photosynthesis are remained constant? HYPOTHESIS : As the distance of fresh leaf disc from the source of light is increasing (indicate the lower in light intensity),the time taken for the fresh leaf disc to float on the surface of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate will be increase indicate the decreasing in the rate of photosynthesis when the other factors are remained constant. It is because photosynthesis is a light dependent process. At the low light intensities, this may become the limiting factor. Imagine light as a straight line which you can see with your own eyes. A plant typically has chloroplasts within their cells. So this straight line of light comes from the Sun, a natural source. It hits the surface of a green leaf. Firstly, is all of the light absorbed? No because some of the light is reflected off the surface and some light cannot penetrate the surface because it is the wrong wavelength. Most of the light gets in. Does that mean all of the light hits the chloroplasts? No because they are small, so some light rays will miss the chloroplasts all together. It is only the light which hit the chloroplasts which will be used in photosynthesis. So, for the experiment done with a shorter distance between the light source (bulb) and the fresh leaf disc, the leaf receives more light compared to that of longer distance. So theres a higher chance more li ght will hit the chloroplasts and therefore more oxygen and glucose will be produced by the plant. This means the rate of photosynthesis has been increased. However, chloroplasts are sensitive, so if they keep getting hit by light energy, they will eventually become damaged and then the rate of photosynthesis will decline. VARIBLES : Units Range Independent Variables The distance of pineapple leaf disc from the bottom of light bulb/ light intensity. cm 10-60 Dependent Variables The time taken for the pineapple leaf discs to float on the 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. second 314.4-1250.4 Controlled Variables Unit Uncertainties Possible effect(s) on result 1. The number of leaf disc used for each experiment. To make sure the photosynthesis rate for all test is fair and equal within all test. 2. Diameter of each leaf disc used  ± 0.5 The leaf disc is corked by using cork borer and kept constant so that rate of photosynthesis is fair. 3. Concentration of sodium hydrogen carbonate. M To constant and make sure the rate of photosynthesis is fair and equal, and concentration do not be part of manipulating factor for rate of photosynthesis. 4. Surrounding temperature of experiment.  °C  ± 0.5 To make sure the temperature is not too high and suitable for optimum rate of photosynthesis. MATERIALS : No Materials Quantity Volume / size 1. Pineapple leaves 6 2. Sodium hydrogen carbonates solution (3%) 240 ml 3. Tap water APPARATUS : No. Apparatus Quantity Volume / size 1 Lamp 6 Standard size 2 New 10 ml syringes 6 10  ± 1 ml 3 Stopwatch 6  ± 0.05cm 4 Cork borer/hole punch 6  ± 8 mm 5 Thermometer 6  ± 0.5  °C 6 Forceps 6 Standard size 7 Measuring cylinder 6 50  ± 0.5 ml 8 Beaker 6 100  ± 10 ml 9 Meter ruler 6  ± 0.05 cm 10. Marking pen 1 Standard size 11. Marking tape 1 Standard size METHOD : The setup apparatus was designed as shown above. This experiment is done at room temperature of about 28  °C in the laboratory. Before other procedures are carried out, all the lights in laboratory are switched off to avoid interference which may affect the result. The distance between the bottom of the light bulb and the surface of laboratory table is adjusted to 10.0 cm; with the assumption that the surface of laboratory table represents the location of 10 pineapple leaf discs before the light is switched on. 10 ml of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate is measured using measuring cylinder. Then, the 10 ml of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate is poured inside a 100 ml beaker. From inside the beaker containing 10 ml of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate, 10 ml of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate is taken out using new 50 ml syringe. Then, 10 of approximately 8 mm pineapple leaf discs is cut out from the pineapple leaf using cork borer/hole punch to give the same diameter for all 5 discs. Now, your thumb or finger is placed over the small hole at the tip of the syringe and its plunger is slowly pulled out. After each disc is cut out, it is immediately transferred into the 50 ml syringe containing 10 ml of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. After all 10 pineapple leaf discs are transferred into the syringe; the plunger is pushed back inside the syringe. With all the pineapple discs still inside the syringe and your finger or thumb is still at the small hole at the tip of the syringe, the plunger is pushed in and out to compress and expel the air. After that, the content of the syringe was poured into the beaker which contain the rest of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate solution; minimizing contact with air. The pineapple leaf discs are checked so that they are not on top of each other. Then, the beaker is immediately placed right below the adjusted lamp. The lamp is switched on and the stopwatch is started simultaneously. The time taken for each disc to rise is recorded. Steps 1 to 12 are repeated by varying the light intensity. To vary the light intensity, the distance from the bottom of the bulb to the pineapple leaf disc is varied to 20 cm, 30 cm, 40cm, 50cm and 60 cm. DATA COLLECTION: Distance of the beaker to the light source, d/cm ( ±0.5cm) Time taken for each pineapple leaf discs to float on the surface of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate for Trial 1, t/s ( ±0.1s) Disc 1 Disc 2 Disc 3 Disc 4 Disc 5 Disc 6 Disc 7 Disc 8 Disc 9 10.0 314.4 346.8 349.8 353.4 354.6 354.6 358.8 360.6 367.2 20.0 473.4 480.6 498.0 512.4 518.4 518.4 526.2 527.4 539.4 30.0 601.2 647.4 648.6 654.6 658.8 674.4 679.2 684.0 690.6 40.0 713.4 718.8 720.6 724.8 725.4 729.6 741.0 741.0 750.0 50.0 849.6 889.8 889.8 901.8 907.2 907.2 907.2 929.4 930.6 60.0 1080.6 1100.4 1135.8 1153.8 1164.6 1181.4 1189.8 1189.8 1206.0 Quantitative Analysis Of Experiment Distance of leaf discs from light source, cm ( ±0.5 cm) Observations 10.0 At the edge of the leaf discs, some bubbles are seen after a few minutes. A lot of bubbles are produced and the leaf discs rise to the surface after a while. 20.0 Some bubbles are released at the edge of the leaf discs after a few minutes. Then, one by one the leaf discs rises to the surface after a few minutes. 30.0 Tiny bubbles are released at the edge of the leaf in a short period of time. After that, the leaf discs from the bottom to the surface. 40.0 The leaf discs rises one by one and float to the surface after quite a long period of time. Bubbles are produced quite slowly at the edge of the leaf discs. 50.0 The production of bubbles is slower and the leaf discs rises to the surface after a long period of time. 60.0 The production of bubbles is very slow and the leaf discs rises to the surface after a very long period of time DATA PROCESSING : The calculation of average time taken for the leaf discs to rise. In order to get the time taken for the leaf disc to rise, an average reading from all ten reading needed to be calculate and the average will be used to calculate the average time taken for the leaf disc to rise. The calculation, are obeying formula as stated below: Based on the formula above, the average time taken for the leaf disc to rise in respective temperature is calculated. The average time taken that has been calculated from above formula is shown below: Temperature of surrounding/ °C Average time taken for the leaf disc to rise in respective temperature. 10 352.74 20 513.48 30 672.72 40 731.64 50 906.06 60 1165.26 Table 1: Calculation Average time taken for the leaf disc to rise in respective temperature. Since we have calculated the average time taken for the leaf disc to rise in the surface of sodium hydrogen carbonate solution, the next step is to calculate the rate of photosynthesis of the leaf disc. The formula shown below is obeyed: By obeying the formula as shown above, the rate of photosynthesis is calculated and the calculated rate of photosynthesis is shown below: Distance of leaf discs from light source, cm ( ±0.5 cm) Rate of photosynthesis of leaf discs, s-1 10.0 0.002835 20.0 0.001947 30.0 0.001487 40.0 0.001367 50.0 0.001104 60.0 0.000858 From the above calculation, next we need to calculate the standard deviation of the rate of respiration photosynthesis of leaf discs in the different light intensities, and stated as uncertainties if the average time taken itself. The calculation used is using GDC, by following these steps: 1. First press button STAT then press button ENTER 2. Insert the data (in table 2) for 10 °C temperature inside the table then press button ENTER 3. After insert the data press again button STAT then press > to calculate 4. Choose 1-Var Stats then press button ENTER twice 5. ÏÆ'x shows the standard deviation of the time taken for the indicator solution to change colour from purple to greenish for 10  °C temperature. 6. Use all this steps for all the temperature (20 °C, 30 °C, 40  °C, 50  °C, and 60  °C) The data of uncertainties calculated above, is shown below, as calculate: Distance of leaf discs from light source, cm ( ±0.5 cm) Standard deviation 10.0 0.000132 20.0 0.000086 30.0 0.000099 40.0 0.003900 50.0 0.003130 60.0 0.000038 The next calculation involved is calculation of light intensity, which relates the distance of light source from leaf disc, and obeying given formula: And by obeying the formula as stated above, the calculation is as follow: Temperature of surrounding/ °C Working calculation of rate of respiration 10 20 30 40 50 60 Table 2: Calculation of light intensity. DATA PRESENTATION : DISCUSSION : 1. When the light source is 60.0 cm away from the surface of the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution, the average time taken for the leaf discs to rise to the surface of the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution is the longest, which is 1165.26 s. This shows that the rate of photosynthesis of the leaf discs under this light intensity is the lowest, which is 0.00086s-1  ± 0.000038 s-1. When the light is further away from the leaf discs, the chloroplasts can only trap a smaller amount of light to carry out photosynthesis. Thus, when less light is trapped, the rate at which photosynthesis occurs will decrease. 2. When the light source is 50.0 cm away from the surface of the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution, the average time taken for the leaf discs to rise to the surface of the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution decreases, which is 906.06 s. Hence, the rate of photosynthesis increases, which is 0.00110s-1  ± 0.00313s-1. With the light source closer to the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution, the chloroplast manages to work with a greater amount of light. This increase in light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis. 3. This trend repeats itself when the light source is 40.0 cm away from the surface of the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. With this increasing light intensity, the chloroplast manages to work with more light and this excites more electrons in the chloroplast and the whole process of photosynthesis occurs at faster rate which is 0.00137s-1  ± 0.00390s-1. 4. When the distance of the light source from the surface of the water is at 30.0 cm and 20.0 cm, the rate of respiration increases with the rate being higher at 20.0 cm away from the surface of the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. The light intensity is higher at 20.0 cm compared to 30.0 cm away from the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. The rate of photosynthesis for 20.0cm and 30.0cm is 0.001947s-1  ± 0.000039s-1 and 0.001487s-1  ± 0.000099s-1. Thus, the rate of photosynthesis is higher when the distance of the light source is 20.0 cm away compared to 30.0 cm from the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution surface. 5. When the distance of the light source is 10.0 cm away from the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution, the rate of photosynthesis is at its highest level. At this level of light intensity, the leaf discs optimize the amount of light which it can use to carry out photosynthesis. The rate of photosynthesis at this moment is 0.002834s-1  ± 0.000132s-1. The process of photosynthesis takes the least amount of time to occur under this level of light intensity, thus it has the highest rate of photosynthesis. 6. The number of leaf discs used in this experiment is kept constant for all the levels of light intensity. This is to make sure the competition for light remains the same for all levels of sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. Besides that, the level of sodium hydrogen carbonate solution in the beaker remains the same for all levels of light intensity so that all the leaf discs rise to the water surface by the same distance so that it will enable the calculations to be standardized. The temperature of the surroundings are kept constant for all levels of light intensity so that it does not cause any form of deviation in the sense that it will have an effect on the rate of photosynthesis. LIMITATION : 1. Not all the leaf discs are in good condition or fresh, causing difference in results of the experiment. 2. The number of leaf discs used is not sufficient to measure the rate of respiration. The result obtained is not so reliable and the experiment took a long period to complete. 3. There are other light sources that may affect the result of the experiment and cause it to be inaccurate. SUGGESTION : 1. Only fresh leaf discs that are in good condition should be used. 2. The number of leaf discs used should be increased so that more results can be obtained and the average taken will give a more accurate measurement of the rate or photosynthesis. 3. Conduct the experiment in a dark room which has a minimum source of light so that it wouldnt affect the experiment. CONCLUSION : As a conclusion, when the light intensity increases, the time taken for the leaf discs to rise will be shorter, the rate of photosynthesis of the leaf discs will increase. This is because an increase in light intensity will cause more light to be absorbed by the chlorophyll in the leaf discs and thus, increasing the rate of photosynthesis. However as the light intensity continues to increase, it will have no more effect on the rate of photosynthesis, this is because other factors will become the factors limiting photosynthesis. The hypothesis is accepted.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Defining Culture :: Essays Papers

Defining Culture Anthropologists define the term culture in a variety of ways, but there are certain shared features of the definition that virtually all anthropologists agree on. Culture is a shared, socially transmitted knowledge and behavior. The key features of this definition of culture are as follows. 1) Culture is shared among the members of that particular society or group. Thus, people share a common cultural identity, meaning that they recognize themselves and their culture's traditions as distinct from other people and other traditions. 2) Culture is socially transmitted from others while growing up in a certain environment, group, or society. The transmission of cultural knowledge to the next generation by means of social learning is referred to as enculturation or socialization. 3) Culture profoundly affects the knowledge, actions, and feelings of the people in that particular society or group. This concept is often referred to as cultural knowledge that leads to behavior that is meaning ful to others and adaptive to the natural and social environment of that particular culture. Some anthropologists prefer to conceptualize culture as a mental phenomenon where individuals learn culture and carry it in their heads ("cultural baggage"). From this view actual behavior is not part of culture, but is a product of culture. This view of culture is called the ideational conception of culture. A broader view of culture includes the behavior of individuals, in addition to the ideas, values, and other mental phenomenon. This view of culture encompasses the way of life of a particular group of people. One should keep in mind that people within a culture share ideas, values, opinions, etc., but they are not universal among all the people in that culture. The word culture is often used to emphasize the most unique aspects of a people's customs and beliefs. Thus, to refer to the culture of a people or group is to call attention to all the things that make that group different or distinctive from others. When anthropologists compare different cultures they do not mean that one culture is better or worse than another culture.

Essay --

Before 2003 there were six million people living peacefully and all of the sudden there were three million people displaced, 400,000 people dead, and one despot. This sudden change was due to the Darfur government killing the citizens of Darfur. It began in 2003 when two peacekeeping rebel groups challenged the Darfur government, accusing it of neglect. The government responded by killing and raping as many people they could making it a national genocide. A Genocide is the action of deliberately killing a group of people, specifically one certain ethnic group or religion. Darfur's government and the Janjaweed army have been devastating lives of the Darfurian people by destroying their homes and killing many Darfurians since the beginning of 2003. The Genocide has been said to have officially started on February 26, 2003 when a rebel group called DLF publically claimed that they had attacked Golo, Western Darfur. Even before the genocide had began there were several attacks on the Darfur government by rebel groups. For example, on February 25, 2002 the rebels attacked an army garrison on a mountain. This all started in Sudan, which is the largest country in Africa, located south of Egypt. Darfur is one of the eighteen states in Sudan is about the size of Texas. Darfur is broken up into five smaller states, which are West Darfur, Central Darfur, East Darfur, South Darfur, and North Darfur. Darfur is bordered by Chad, Libya, and Central African Republic. The Darfurians have not only been troubled by the government, but also by the lack of food and water. The rough and desert like terrain makes it hard to grow crops. The region is also very drought prone making it hard to grow crops too. The state of Darfur has about six mi ... ...e in that one shooting 136 men was killed. This incident happened in Garisla, an area south of Zingei, in Wadi Saleh. Darfur's government and the Janjaweed army have been devastating lives of the Darfurian people by destroying their homes and killing many Darfurians since the beginning of 2003. Darfur’s genocide has impacted the world greatly by warning people what could happen with a corrupt government. The current issue has put fear in everyone’s lives by making them think about every decision that the government is making. I believe that the current situation in Darfur is unfair for the people. Instead of living life, they are trying to survive. A newspaper has said that the â€Å"United Nations officials have characterized the situation as ‘the greatest humanitarian catastrophe ever.’† Everyday the Darfurians wake up thinking â€Å"will I see the sun rise tomorrow?†

Friday, July 19, 2019

Imagine a Brave New World Essays -- Brave New World

Imagine a Brave New World  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Imagine living in a world without mothers and fathers, a place in which all those around you are human clones with no personality, a vast array of people that are not seen as individuals but a social body. This society results from the absence of spirituality and family, the obsession with physical pleasure, and the misuse of technology. The society described above, becomes a reality in A Brave New World, a novel depicting how the advancement of science effects humanity. A Brave New World takes place in 632 A.F.(after Henry Ford, inventor of assembly lines), many years after civilization started to be controlled. Civilization is reconstructed into a new society after a global nine year war. The war was so brutal and tiresome, that the people decide to control the world's actions through means of science. The society predetermines human embryos to certain levels of intelligence, and chemically eliminates becoming sick or old. Children are placed in different castes to decide divisions in labor. The five castes are Epsilons, Betas, Gammas, Deltas and Alphas, with Alphas being the highest caste. To determine which caste they are placed in the children are given or denied certain skills and capabilities. The controllers rule the civilization though conditioning, behavioral engineering, and certain mind altering drugs called 'Somae'. The Ten controllers of the world states determine all the rules of the society. The societies dictorial government has chos en machinery, medicine and happiness over God. The citizens choose happiness and stability over freedom and individuality. Without sin and imperfection the citizens are nothing but robots in this Utopian world,a society built on b... ... dilemma in exchanging happiness for freedom and art to gain stability and control over the people of A Brave New World. A Brave New World is very enlightening and thought provoking as it talks about what it means to be human. The price that many people must give up in order gain absolute happiness and stability is freedom, love and religion, aspects of life too precious to omit. There is no war or disease to deal with, but the people don't have the chance to experience art, love and history. Through sacrificing and eliminating these aspects of life, a citizen is robbed of the opportunity to enjoy a well-rounded, mistake-making, lesson-learning, quality life. The aspired goal achieved from giving up freedom, love and religion seems appealing and rewarding, but the reality of the effects on humanity is proven devastating in Aldous Huxley's A Brave New World.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

An Annotated Bibliography Essay

Chin, Jean Lau. (2004). The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group This book discusses the effects of prejudice and discrimination on the psyche and one’s participation in society as a whole. The relevant section in this book discusses the unique plight of gay or bisexual black men that have to contend with homophobia as well as racism. Of special note is the section in which sexual orientation often has a negative effect on the career development of many gay black men. This is an interesting resource since most of the material on the subject does not address the secondary sub-category of sexual orientation (Chin, 2004). Daniels, C. (2004). Black Power Inc. : The New Voice of Success. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons C. Daniel’s Black Power Inc. is a book of medium length that explores the phenomenon of black people placing a growing emphasis on economic rather than political power. The book is geared toward young to middle-aged black professional men and women, who are Working While Black (WWB). C. Daniels writes for Fortune magazine with an extensive history in writing about the social dynamics inherent in big business—especially as it relates to the unique issues black men and women face in the corporate world (Daniels, 2004). Davis, G. & Watson, G. (1982). Black Life in Corporate America: Swimming in the Mainstream. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press Although written twenty-seven years ago, this account by Davis & Watson (1982) is still relevant in chronicling the early stages of Black integration into corporate American life. The book describes the upstream struggles of educated black professionals as they attempt to make a living commensurate with their skills. While also observing the lesser tolerance of open bigotry in the workplace, certain â€Å"jokes† and comments are often alienating to black men (Davis & Watson, 1982). Gates, Henry Louis. America behind the Color Line. New York: Warner Books, 2004 This book contains interviews from several powerful African-American men including Russell Simmons, Quincy Jones, Vernon Jordan, Colin Powell and Morgan Freeman. Written by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. , one of the premier scholars of African-American studies today. This book shows the diversity of successful Black men from the corporate and political arenas to the performing arts and community activism, and discusses triumphs and challenges. A very good read for anyone studying black achievement (Gates, 2004). Livers, A. & Caver, K. A. (2002). Leading in Black and White: Working across the Racial Divide in Corporate America. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons This book by Livers & Caver (2002) describes the challenges faced by Blacks who occupy a higher level on the corporate ladder (i. e. managerial positions). They challenge the popular assumption that black leaders have the same issues as white leaders, and underscore the problems of trust many black men have with their white colleagues because of lack of common experiences. This book was intended for black managers that need help in continuing to navigate the system (Livers & Carver, 2002). Merida, K. (2007). Being a Black Man: At the Corner of Progress and Peril. Washington: Public Affairs This is a collection of essays about the personal and professional struggles of black men in America. Many points of view deal with identity intersections of different roles—husband, father, employee, and businessman—as well as dreams and ambitions. This book generated a great deal of interest in the reading public as it offers a personal glimpse of the realities of black life. K. Merida is a reporter for the Washington Post, and was thus able to use his credentials to find many contributors to this volume (Merida, 2007). Van Horne, W. A. (2007). The Concept of Black Power: Its Continued Relevance. Journal of Black Studies, 37(3), 365-389 This is a study of the growth of Black Power in America as the middle-class grows slowly and quietly. Even though over time, black people have gained more civil rights in America, there is still a significant lag between them and the white majority. However, W. A. Van Horne notes that the black underclass often overshadows the slow, but inexorable growth of the black middle class. He also raises questions of whether the black power movement is still relevant (Van Horne, 2007).

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Online Communication Essay

The overdress of the network era opened the t discover ensemble new market for traditional media encompassing of opportunities as well as threats. Online plagiarisation macrocosm one of them because the unison and attain h aged of manufacturing loses 5.4bn in a course and if it was reduced by 10% it could welcome created up to 13 thousand jobs in the UK. There be various start outs taken to run with online plagiarism a theatrical role study of Anti-Counterfeiting Trade organisation allow be considered as well as another(prenominal) legislations attempting to regulate secures in the meshing. This study is also button to look at main motives and reasons for online plagiarism and suggest the resultant roles. master(prenominal) obstacles in dealing with buccaneering argon legislative issues, semiotic disputes, little sentiency or different attitudes of the Internet users. For the overage media to fully overcome the threat of online piracy is as wishly as completely eradicating crime. Hoverer, there be factor to see the simulate right on aggression in the Internet. Suggested methods be meliorate the legislation, changing commonplaces mind-sets and qualification profound ship keepal wide and easily accessible.Firstly it is crucial to draw the terms as especially in consequence of online piracy they ar much misunderstood and are the or controversial. The commentary of online piracy varies depending on the source, nevertheless the major(ip)ity agrees that it refers to feignright violation, infringement, unauthorised copying, storage, re cropion, distribution, or deal of intellect propertyfor causa, music CDs, photograph videocassettes. With regard to film and television, the term to begin with relates to downloading, uploading, linking to, or otherwise providing access to unauthorized copies of movies, television shows or other procure substance on the Internet and making and/or selling unauthorized copie s of DVDs and muddied Ray discs. Some sources refer to piracy as larceny and abidanceing to the Ameri hindquarters legislation 1992 federal law thrusts software piracy a felony.Some sources mark different types of piracy and Krasilovsky and Shemel (2007) define them as follows Bootlegging the unauthorised put down of a live or broadcast performance. Counterfeiting the duplication or imitation of the packaging, document, product, and label as well as the sound recording that is made with the intent to deceptively appoint the item as the genuine obligate. The give out form of piracy re essayed is file sharing, although the describe might not be exhaustive. level sharing also k straightn as P2P is a term that typically refers to a profitsing technology that normally uses a alter communication model. What is meant by this is that there isnt any exchange server baffling and all computers in the net human activity as both server and client. An modelling of a pure dec entralized P2P network is the BitTorrent protocol where files are shared in the midst of all companions independent of any central server.The type of files that are shared goat be audio, video, selective information etc. The abundant advantage of a decentralized P2P network is fault tolerance if one peer disconnects from the network there are other computers that will have the same data available to share. As listed supra there are numerous wicked ways to avoid paying for the media substance and the issues are so complex that the definitions although face their common-sense understanding fail to serve their efficacious purpose Firstly it is difficult to eat up piracy callable to differences within legislations and jural definitions across the world. Attempts to tackle piracy by essence of worldwide law are being hampered by the lack of a concordant definition. States The Guardian in their article on piracy Since one of the reasons for a enormous generality of pirac y is the easy access to liberate national and galore(postnominal) mess arguably download nub provided because they can the solution here would be in an absolute zero tolerance indemnity towards piracy as SOPA, Stop Online piracy Act suggests and closure of clearsites much(prenominal) as the Pirate bay, etc.Such insurance policy seems to be working with plagiarism at e.g. Universities, but in term of intellectual property the intangible aspect of the product makes it more difficult to control. Therefore halt online piracy is easier said than done, as it would withdraw enormous human resources from a governing body to track down il profound websites and victorious a sub judice action against them pencil lead to the closure. One case study cost following regarding this issue was on the major streaming website TV has been seized many time by the US politics and it unplowed changing the domain addresses to overseas addresses as .co or .bz. The owner, 23 cou rse old student Richard ODwyer from Sheffield has been charged with secure infringement and the US Justice segment has been seeking to extradite him from the UK since May 2011 BBC reports. be adrift itself is a grey domain in many countries, i.e. Germany, where it is not perceived as downloading but has been sourced use criminal means.Compared with the sound issues and the fact that the content was stored on irrelevant servers the law enforcement was extremely difficult, but directly it has been set an framework worldwide of tackling with piracy. On entering the lucre address now a video clip displays which in a humoristic educated people on what piracy is and how much a quit movie really cost. Such attempt is one of the suggested ways in dealing with piracy through legal ways such is previously mentioned ACTA, which may make the knead even simpler basing on the procedures it includes. ACTA means Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement crafted by lacquer and fall in Stat es and soft touched by Canada, Australia, naked as a jaybird Zealand, Singapore and South Korea in October 2011. In January 2012 atomic number 63an Commission enter negotiations whether to sign the treaty, together with non-elected representatives from 22 Member States Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Luxemburg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Spain, Sweden and coupled Kingdom.The European Commission says that ACTA is an international trade covenant aimed at ensuring the EUs already high cadence of protection for intellectual property rights can be enforced globally. ACTA proved to be very controversial especially tour in early 2012 it was meant to be subscribe by i.e. Poland. On announcement that the establishment is going to sign ACTA on the twenty-sixth January major protests and hacker attack on governmental websites emerged. The antagonists say that it is going to be the end of free internet and the liberty of speech is going to be especial(a) there. The Act allows for the websites suspected of infringement to be taken down without a legal procedure and notification to the owner. The protagonists say that it is the tho way for the music and film manufacture to stand a chance in the fight for copyright, as the other methods fail. other reason is that the semiotic difficulty confuses the public and one part of them does not hump that downloading pirated content is sinful, several(prenominal) of they do get its not right but since there is no consequences millions get off with it and hence 95% of music downloaded is pirated miss of understanding of the core issues often pushes people to piracy for example streaming is a grey area in some countries because although you are watching an culpable content you dont download it or own it. That brings the subject back on semiotics and defining the legal issues regarding piracy, such as making a c opy for individual, home-use.Previously a grey area has been made legal through the process of legal debates. Collberg (2010) in Surreptitious bundle says There is an important lesson here If you are going to us a copy protection scheme at all, you moldiness not make it so inconvenient to users that they feel they have a right to break it For this reason, on a rear on the 1992 Audio Home arrangement Act it is legal to convert CD tracks to mp3 files as long as you are the legitimate owner of the CD you desire to copy and only when you use these copies for your personal use There is al Is it illegal to download a file from an Internet site if you have a legal right to create that file on your own through other means? The courts have not yet had an probability to rule on this issue.People point a crime some quantify out of lack of knowledge and understanding of legislation, for example c There are many misunderstandings within this subject of what is legal and what constitutes an illegal action. -they are not the ones who stole it and they harbort paid for it so it doesnt feel like stealing -downloading just to test the product you are going to buy anyway is not wrong. solution make people aware that what they do is wrong. make legal ways fetch 1. TOO EXPENSIVE TO BUYto boot the widely mentioned all across the internet reason for illegal downloading of music, movies and TV shows is that the records and movies are to expensive. The reason a fallacy in itself, because it basically says that if you cannot afford to buy a product you should get it in a different, usually illegal way. A suggested solution to this aspect would be to make legal ways affordable and easy like lovefilm streaming or Netfix medicine industry attempts to tackle with the issue like the case study from 2008 when Radiohead and Nine-Inch-Nails launched their albums straight to internet and enabled the bribe by donation.ConclusionThere is a controversial opinion that piracy could be used as a promotional material tool for the music and film industry by the companies allowing people to download their products on internet to try Current online piracy activity requires a separate segment of every company just to search for websites where their copyrighted contend is being illegitimately distributed. All in all people who support piracy will everlastingly attempt to go around the rules and legislations to get a free and unlimited content to media because (a) they can (b) get satisfaction from gull the systemBibliographyBooks1. Baskerville D., (2010) Music Business handbook, eighth Edition, Sage, London 2. Collberg C., Nagra J.,(2010) Surreptitious package, Addison-Wesley, cutting York 3. Dovey J, Kennedy H., (2006) post Cultures, Open University Press, Glasgow 4. Gunasekaran A. (2008), Techniques and Tools for the Design and Implementation of endeavour Information Systems, IGI Publishing, New York 5. Krasilovsky M. , Shemel S., (2007) This transmission line of music, The unequivocal guide to the Business and Legal issues of the Music Industry, 10th Ediion, Watson-Guptill Publications, New York 6. Lehnert W., (2003) Web 101, reservation the Net Work for you, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley, New York. 7. Tavani H., (2007) Ethics & technology, Ethical Issues in bestride of Information and Communication Technology, 2nd Edition, can Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA 8. Turban E., (2008) Information Technology for management, 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA Journals* Short, Greg. 1994.Combatting parcel plagiarisation Can Felony Penalties for Copyright attack Curtail the Copying of Computer Software? Santa Clara Computer and High Technology fair play Journal 10 (June) Websites* http// 20.02.2012*http// 20.02.2012 * http// 20.02.2012 * http// ies-con-congress/ 20.02.2012 * http// 20.02.2012 * http// 20.02.2012 * http// 20.02.2012 * http// 20.02.2012 * http// 20.02.2012 * http// 20.02.2012 * http// 20.02.2012* http// 20.02.2012 * http// 20.02.2012 * http// 20.02.2012 * http// 20.02.2012 * http// 20.02.2012* http// 20.02.2012 * http// 20.02.2012* http// 20.02.2012 * http// 20.02.2012 vermiform appendix 1 Online Piracy Statistics (http// 20.02.2012) Below are some facts-* 70% of Online Users Find postal code Wrong in Online Piracy * 67% of Digital piracy sites are hosted in North America and Western Europe * 22%of all global Internet bandwidth is used for Online Piracy * 98.8% of Data transferred using P2P networks is copyrighted * 91.5% of filed available for download on Cyberlockers sites (Rapidshare, Megaupload,etc) are copyrighted material * just 1 out of 10,000 pcs of the most popular content on the OpenBitTorrent tracker is non-copyrighted * Websites hosting pirated content cop more than 146 Million visitors per day. * $12.5 billion in economic losses each stratum due to Piracy in the music industry * 71,0 60 jobs lost in the United States every year due to Online Piracy * $2.7 billion in workers earnings are lost each year due to Online Piracy * 95% of music downloaded online is illegal* An average iPod contains pirated music of $800* 42% of Softwares runnel in World are illicitly downloaded * $59 billion of Softwares were illegally downloaded in 2010 * More than 75% of computers have at least 1 downloaded illegal activity * Two-Thirds of Torrents available online are illegal* vulgarism is the most pirated item on web with 35.8% followed by Movies with 35.2% * Hollywood Movie personification is the most pirated movie of 2010 and was downloaded more than 17,000,000 times * China has the Highest online piracy rate of 91% in world followed by capital of South Carolina with 90% and Russia with 80% online piracy rate.Appendix 2 Case Study (http// Anti-counterfeiting organisation signed in TokyoTOK YO (Reuters) Governments of eight nations including lacquer and the United Stated signed an obligation on Saturday aiming to cut costly copyright and trademark theft. The signing is a measurement towards bringing into effect the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), which is designed to strengthen the legal exemplar for intellectual property rights, said japans Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). As with many of the challenges we face in todays global economy, no government can single-handedly eliminate the problem of global counterfeiting and piracy, Deputy U.S. Trade object lesson Miriam Sapiro said at the ceremony, according to a copy ofher remarks released in Washington. Signing this agreement is therefore an act of shared leadership and determination in the international fight against intellectual property (IP) theft, Sapiro said. Mark Elliot, executive vice president of the U.S. Chamber of businesss Global Intellectual blank space Centre, called the pact a big achievement for the American business community, workers, and IP-intensive sectors across our economy. This accord raises the bar on enforcement by improving cooperation among partners, harmonizing how we confront IP theft, addressing IP theft online, and setting a positive example for nations that aspire to have strong IP enforcement regimes, Elliott said. The signing took place a year after the final round of negotiations among 11 parties Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and the United States. The EU, Mexico and Switzerland have not signed the agreement but have until May 1, 2013, to do so, according to the METI.The pact takes effect with the confirmation of six parties and the METI expects an expansion of ACTA participants.(Reporting by Kaori Kaneko in Tokyo and Doug Palmer in Washginton Editing by Robert Birsel and Vicki Allen) 1 . http// /software-piracy-costs-uk-economy-gbp54bn 20.02.2012 2 . http// 20.02.2012 3 . Violation of copyright, trademark or patent. http// 20.02.2012 4 . http// 20.02.2012 5 . http// 20.02.2012 6 . Dovey J, Kennedy H., (2006) Game Cultures, Open University Press, Glasgow 7 . http// 20.022012 8 . http// 20.02.2012 9 . Krasilovsky M. , Shemel S., (2007) This business of